Times Free Press Provides an Update on Project Viper

The Times Free Press provided its readers an update today on Project Viper, TVA's "secure office complex" planned for Georgetown. Still, no hint of a willingness for TVA to be transparent and willing to engage the citizens. We still need more transparency, and we need a public meeting.

September 2017, TVA received a consultant’s report outlining how to provide water and wastewater service to its “secure office complex” in Georgetown. No one other than TVA knew anything about the project until the third week of August 2018.

That report was the basis for TVA seeking a permit from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation to build a self-contained wastewater treatment plant in Georgetown, which the federal agency did in September 2018. The development is called “Project Viper.”

HERE is a link to the report*. If you want to understand the scope of just the first part of Project Viper, please read. 

The document includes sections dealing with

  • Project Description, including descriptions of the property, an overview of Project Viper and sections on sensitive habitats and hazardous materials.

  • Alternatives for Viper water supply

  • Alternatives for Viper wastewater treatment and disposal

  • Recommendations to TVA from the consultant (CTI Engineering of Chattanooga)

  • Cost estimates

  • Site maps

*source of report: http://environment-online.tn.gov:8080/pls/enf_reports/f?p=9034:34051:::NO:34051:P34051_PERMIT_NUMBER:SOP-18017