NEW, UPDATED MAPS Showing TVA's Path Across the Land in TN

NEW, UPDATED MAPS Showing TVA's Path Across the Land in Georgetown

NEW, UPDATED MAPS Showing TVA's Path Across the Land in Georgetown

Is this the best TVA can do? TVA IS INEVITABLE. But the continued destruction of the landscape is not necessary. Citizens deserve information and more transparency from TVA.

TVA operates in seven states all over the south and owns almost 300,000 acres of land. With its property or what it can buy, how was this site chosen for the "secure office complex?" And the best path for a new transmission line is across the private property of four residents in Georgetown?

Any alternatives will change the pristine land and involve using government's power of eminent domain to condemn and take the private property, just as the new "secure office complex" and Project Viper will certainly bring significant change to the Georgetown area.

The article on the front page of the Times Free Press  where TVA announced their $300 million "secure office complex” can be found HERE

georgetown tva map.jpg

Many questions remain about the impact of this facility in the Georgetown area, the lack of transparency from TVA on a project that has been planned for years, and the need to cut a 175-foot swath through a mile of farmland ... land that will be taken by eminent domain.