What is TVA Doing in Georgetown?

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That has been the question on the minds of citizens since Aug 20 when TVA announced a $26 million major transmission upgrade to provide power to a “new TVA secure office complex” The secure complex is to be built on 167 acres TVA owns along Highway 58 just north of the intersection of Highway 58 and Highway 60 at Gunstocker Creek in Meigs County. A week’s worth of inquiries have yielded no new information.

Perhaps we will learn more Thursday when TVA brings its presentation on the project to a public meeting. The TVA information meeting is scheduled from 3-7 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 30 at the Cedar Ridge Seventh-Day Adventist Church, which is located across the street from the Georgetown Post Office. For now, there are only questions, such as:

o What is the intended use of the “secure office complex?

o What is the long-term impact of the complex on the Georgetown community?

o Was there any consideration given to burying the power supply? Was there any consideration given to an alternative route along Highway 58 to avoid condemning and damaging private property? Was there any consideration given to buying the property, in part or in full, from the property owners?

o With only three property owners, why was there not previous notifications when the project was being planned, and why was there not more transparency with property owners inquired about their land after the public release?

o Whatever TVA is going to build on the 167 acres, its plans include providing all the power directly to the “secure office complex,” and that leaves out those who distribute power for TVA. Why?

TVA has handled this announcement with no regard for the citizens and no regard for the property owners. We all understand the need for security in today’s world, but TVA needs to do better than the Aug. 20 press release. #4TNfarms