Let’s Talk about Transparency, Treating Ratepayers with Respect And Project Viper in Georgetown

Since the disclosure of TVA Project Viper in August 2018, Georgetown residents and property owners have been calling on the Tennessee Valley Authority leadership to answer questions about the $300 million project that is certain to change the face of a rural community.

The TVA Board of Directors is coming to Chattanooga this week for a “listening session” from 3:30 p.m. -- 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 13, and its quarterly board meeting on Thursday. We hope the Board cares about the disrespect shown Georgetown residents and private property owners over the past six months.

Congressman Tim Burchett of Knoxville introduced a bill requiring more transparency from the TVA. Viewers of this page know well how secretive TVA has been, and there has been no transparency when it comes to Project Viper.

Those wishing to speak must register in advance at www.tva.com/board. You can register up to 5 p.m. Tuesday. The time limit is three minutes. Based on previous meetings, the TVA Board does not talk back. The meeting will be livestreamed at same website address. #4TNfarms